Prototype submission

Prototype submission

Category : Uncategorized

March 13th


This will be the fourth time I’ve submitted a game for a prototype and I’m noticing that each time I get nauseated from anxiety. Once the submission is in I feel good, but the hours leading up to submission, when I’m combing through the details, I feel major anxiety. I go back through several times and decide what last minute improvements to make, while determining what decisions to wait on.


Right now, I’m finalizing my submission for Battle Gnomes, the game I consider to be the most important to me at this time. I’m glad I did the other submissions first so that I’m familiar with the process, and the anxiety has gone down since previous submissions. After I submit for the prototype, I plan on making people aware of the game in every way possible. I think people will love it, and I think it has the most widespread appeal.

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