We are always looking for people to do game demos at stores, conventions, and any public events. At this time, the best approach is to email us at info@branumgames.com. You should also check out our upcoming events in order to talk to a demo team representative about being involved.
Join Us! The Process
- Email us at Info@BranumGames.com
- Read through the policies and procedures
- Submit for a trainee event
- After 3 trainee events, request official inclusion
- After 3 official events, submit request for team items
- Continue submitting demo events to track progress so you can be rewarded appropriately.
Benefits Include:
- Being part of a group. As a member of the demo team, you will be invited to group events and welcomed into a friendly, social group of individuals who share a similar interest. Part of the demo team experience is to attend events as part of a group rather than stag.
- Passes to events. If you run events for us, we can coordinate you getting a badge for running those games. This is limited to events where there is a cost to entry.
- Social interactions and networking. Whether at a store or a convention, you will likely be working with various people in gaming. This could include store owners, convention managers, game designers or publishers, playtesters, and the general public. This is a chance to make connections with others who share your hobbies while being part of a cohesive demo group.
- Early game exposure. Our demo team is regularly exposed to games as they are just getting started in the design process. The benefit here is to influence new game design and to observe the process up close prior to creating your own game. There is certainly enjoyment in seeing a game get made from start to finish, and knowing you had a hand in the process.
- Playtesting opportunities. We regularly invite our team members to participate in playtesting for games that are in development. Depending on your level of contribution to the game structure, you may be given credit in the game rules or even have a character based off of you.
- Potential complimentary games. As demo team members, of course you’ll need to have copies of the games to demo. At first you may have to use copies you purchase or borrow to practice with and determine that you are comfortable running. However, over time you may be given games to run at certain events. You can keep those copies but it is anticipated you would use them to promote the games and company.
- Potential swag and exclusive items. This refers to shirts, lanyards, badge holders, ribbons, and buttons that may be given out to represent and promote company team members. There are also some extra items that may be sold to the public that are given to team members or at least discounted for them. This includes the excess gnome counters that were bought for the Kickstarter. Team members benefited from the leftover supply of these items.